In the summer of 2019, which now feels as though it belongs to a different geological epoch, I interviewed some of people who work in Princeton University Press’s UK office to mark their 20th anniversary. That group audio portrait went out as a podcast that July and is still available.
Since then, I’ve been releasing longer versions of the interviews that went into that portrait and this week’s programme is one of those.
Rob Tempio is Princeton’s publisher for the ancient world, philosophy & political theory. He says on the Press’s website:
I believe passionately in both the inherent and enduring fascination of these subjects and in the ways in which they perpetually speak to the present.
This interview was conducted al fresco between the Bodleian Library and the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford. Tourists were milling around, some of them staring at Rob as he was being interviewed, trying to work out if they’d perhaps seen him in a recent movie or maybe he was a famous writer in town to deliver a lecture at the Sheldonian? For all that, Rob managed to maintain concentration admirably and we covered quite a bit of ground in ten minutes.